Simple Happy Zen
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This channel is perfect for those of you who are interested in intentional living and taking care of your happiness.
Hi, I’m Vera. Happy to see you here. I make weekly videos about minimalism, simple living, happiness and self development. With Simple Happy Zen I hope to create a place for everyone to take a little break, to get inspired and take care. We deserve to.
Each week you’ll see a new video about:
🌱 Minimalism & focussing on what matters
🌱 Living your life intentionally
🌱 Emphasizing self love and self care
🌱 Cultivating your happiness
🌱 And many more inspiring topics
I care about making a connection with you and I make my videos from the heart. Thanks for subscribing, feel free to say hi!
Lots of love,
🌼 Vera
NEW VIDEO EVERY WEEK | Love minimalism • Get inspired • Be yourself • Take care
TWITTER | @SimpleHappyZen
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