Mandy in the Making
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This channel is for home cooks who are bored in the kitchen! If you are sick of making the same old recipes over and over again, you're in the right place. I scour the internet for new, DELICIOUS recipes and I try them out in my kitchen with my family. If they're great, we share them with you! Even if you aren't the best cook you can follow these recipes, because I only cook simple ones. I'm not going to be using crazy strange ingredients or using techniques only chefs know how to do. I'm just a regular home cook who loves trying new, easy recipes and sharing them with you. I hope you'll stick around and try some new yummy recipes in your kitchen!
Mandy in the Making
PO Box 582
Pauline, SC 29374
*Please note: Due to the volume of cards & gifts we have recently received due to our loss of Gracie Lou, I may not be able to send everyone a thank you card. I apologize, and am humbled by your generosity.
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