Dark Curiosities

Dark Curiosities

Suscriptores: 244k Puntos de vista: 39m Vídeos: 448
2 Vista

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4m 490m 525
Añadido por: coffeezilla   Report
1m 167m 193
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Atrocity Guide
Atrocity Guide
495k 26m 29
Añadido por: Strawberry   Report
Lazy Masquerade
Lazy Masquerade
2m 366m 347
Añadido por: jim3   Report
10m 2b 423
Añadido por: jim3   Report
Lady White Rabbit
Lady White Rabbit
138k 15m 352
Añadido por: Strawberry   Report
Truly Criminal
Truly Criminal
813k 151m 219
Añadido por: dorthy   Report
Twisted Minds
Twisted Minds
897k 126m 160
Añadido por: jim3   Report

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Comentarios: 2
Ellen A.
Ellen A.
2 años, 6 meses hace   
There's an identical --well almost -- in style, narration, eeriness, and researched/thoughtful true crime channel like Dark Curiosities and that's the channel called "Truly Criminal." It looks like that channel hasn't been verified/approved or mentioned on this site, surprising considering the channel has like 300K followers or more. Really in depth good mini docs on true crime cases that are in a doc-video format of almost similar length to DC's channel, a lot of the crimes covered don't seem to be well known to american culture so it's a must for those looking to discover fascinating true crime stories of criminals, motives, and circumstances you have never heard of. Its like crack for true crime lovers :) TRULY CRIMINAL is the name of the channel once more cheers guys


2 años, 1 mes hace   
well, to add channels which aren't there on this site, you just have to type the name of the channel in the search bar at the top of the website, there with a red banner you will see an option [ Search on YouTube ] and just go to that channel. This adds the channel to the website's directory


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